Enterprise Name : Chonyon Health Products Company

Chonyon Health Products Company concentrates on natural Koryo medicines through the harmonious combination of extracts from natural medicinal materials with the introduction of ultra-modern pharmacological technology based on thousand-long traditional medical theory and methods of the ancestors.

Products from our company include medicaments and health food helpful for the promotion of people's health and functional cosmetics, typically Natural CardiHerb Capsules for removing causes of heart diseases, Natural GastropancreoHerb Capsules for curing digestive system diseases, Natural HepaHerb Capsules excelling others in curing liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases, Natural Anti-Hangover Granule, Natural Solution against Arthrosis for External Use with immediate effects for rheumatic troubles, Natural ThyroidHerb Capsules, Orgaton Capsules and Yangchunsamrok Capsules imbuing vigor and energy, Clove Solution for Spontaneous Gangrene specially efficacious for spontaneous gangrene and bone marrow, Natural Beauty Pack and Natural Lotion for soft, elastic and smooth skin, and Natural Phalgok Tea infusing liveliness.